The “oneAssurance” programme is an overarching project between Swisscom (INI-NET) and cablex. This project has the objective of identifying possible improvement potential in the end-to-end context and following up on measures derived from the findings. Efficient and fast resolution processes are very important for our customers. But it is even more important to avoid disruptions as a matter of principle! Stability and quality don’t just start when services are put into operation (assurance); they already come into play as early as the construction and execution process.
That’s why cablex has launched a three-part pilot project to change the way “OTO commissioning” works.
Pilot 1: Customised Fibre In-house Order (FIO) installations.
We don't just build the OTO socket and check functionality using an end-of-line (EoL) measurement. Now we also ensure that the service offer is available to customers immediately after installation. Our goal is that, in future, we’ll offer everything as a “one stop” and in a single visit.
This includes adjustments to in-home cabling, commissioning of the fibre router, WLAN configuration, support for PC, TV, and Internet at home, and much more. In the event of an unsuccessful commissioning of the OTO connection, we start an efficient resolution process directly by the installation team with no delay.
That way, our customers benefit from cablex’s in-depth know-how and have functioning services as soon as we leave the premises. Swisscom (our parent company for in-house installation) benefits from a very fast and supported copper-fibre migration. The estimated potential for such “add-on services” in the market is very high, and in the pilot 90 per cent of the customers took advantage of them.
Pilot 2: New development concept for single-family homes (OTO@BEP).
In our second pilot project, cablex is testing a new development concept for single-family homes in one community. The fibre connection (OTO) is already integrated in the house junction box or Building Entry Point (BEP). This makes it possible to install the router in the “basement” and use existing Ethernet networking with minor adjustments. This eliminates the need for complex FIO installation.
However, if the customer wants the glass connection in the living area, we will pull it to the desired location by means of an extension.
Here, too, “additional services” are offered as in Pilot Project 1, and we ensure that the service offer is available to the customers immediately after installation. Our approach of everything as a “one stop” and in a single visit is applied here as well.
Pilot 3: Complete service for new builds.
This pilot project is mainly about deadline compliance and supporting installation companies with OTO installation in new builds. Nothing is more tedious than moving into a new flat without working internet, TV and telephone connections.
Installations in new builds are always carried out by electrical installation companies. At cablex, we offer support with OTO installation to builders, architects, electrical planners and installation companies. This involves splicing at the BEP, measurements at the OTO socket, complete in-house installations or a quality check (final measurement after the installation work).
In future, cablex will be making an important contribution with this work so that customers can use all communication services immediately when they move into their new residence. Initial feedback from the pilot projects already shows that there is great interest in these additional services.
The “oneAssurance” project pilot measures will continue until around the end of November this year. To ensure the success of this project, many teams from different divisions at cablex are working together. After the pilot projects have been completed, we will report on the findings and further rollout steps.
Andreas Gasser, Head of Service Management and general manager of the oneAssurance/FIO Broker project, says:
“By adding fibre/OTO commissioning to our assurance/value-creation package, we can design an absolutely brilliant and immediate positive customer experience for Swisscom's end customers.
We go beyond just OTO installation and ensure that the end customer can use the fibre services immediately after commissioning. It makes me very proud to be actively involved in this groundbr