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Partnership between Dätwyler and cablex.

cablex was chosen by the company Dätwyler IT Infra as a "Certified Service Partner" for the implementation, repair and maintenance of micro and mini data centres. With our sound technical expertise in the area of ICT infrastructure, we not only act as a partner but are also on site throughout Switzerland as an extended arm of Dätwyler.

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Author Martina Strazzer

Good reasons for MDCs.

Smart modular data centres like the micro and mini data centres (MDCs) from Dätwyler are used in the SME segment and are configured according to individual customer requirements. The prefabricated solution that the end customer receives is, for instance, adapted with respect to cooling, an interruption-free power supply, power, or the desired alarm systems. The MDCs can be placed in any room without the need for any structural alterations. Data remains on site or is mirrored in a hybrid partial solution.

What are micro and mini data centres?

The volume of data produced will continue to increase steeply in future. This data must be processed close to its source for reasons of efficiency and latency. This is also referred to as edge computing. Micro and mini data centres guarantee this local and fast data processing and protect sensitive data in a closed system.
All IT infrastructure has to be installed and connected in an expert and customer-specific manner and must be maintained regularly. The remote monitoring of the most important components enables both preventive work and, in particular, quick intervention in the event of acute problems.

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cablex as a trustworthy partner.

Our seven ICT specialists from the Infrastructure & Business Solutions business unit act as an extended arm of Dätwyler IT Infra throughout Switzerland. cablex and Dätwyler together have placed the first two MDCs into operation and handed them over. Another two have been built in Solothurn and Zug. Our professional technicians have quickly acquired the necessary expertise and will in future carry out installations independently for users. Repair and maintenance, cabling and other supplementary ICT tasks are also within our area of responsibility.

Lukas Kurmann, Services & Solutions Team Leader at Dätwyler IT Infra AG, confirms the committed and trustworthy work of our cablex team of technicians.

We are absolutely delighted to have found a competent partner for our future projects. Collaboration with a strong partner with a Switzerland-wide network strengthens customer loyalty and enables us to cover customer wishes in different areas optimally. The partnership is based on shared values and is profitable for both parties. We are convinced that we will be able to implement many more exciting projects with the highly motivated cablex team.

Lukas Kurmann, Services & Solutions Team Leader at Dätwyler IT Infra AG.

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Special field of cabling.

One important element of our work for Dätwyler is the extensive cabling of the micro and mini data centres. To maintain specific expertise, our employees receive ongoing training. This year, seven cablex employees have already successfully completed the certified workshop "High Performance DC Cabling" at the European headquarters of Dätwyler IT Infra in Altdorf.

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Site Acquisition Report App
Montage PV Modul

Convincing pilot projects: findings from two PV system installations.

Find out how companies can increase their autonomy and use electricity more efficiently with intelligent planning and state-of-the-art technology.

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New underwater cable secures infrastructure.

Storms and debris threaten a fibre optic cable in Lake Lugano: mud at the mouth of the river impairs its function - urgent replacement required!

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Beleuchtete Autobahn bei Nacht_24-9.jpg


Creating a future-proof infrastructure with cablex.

Kabelzug Stockhorn

Major project on the Stockhorn – pulling cable at an altitude of 2135 metres.

Pulling cable up the Stockhorn on a stretch nearly two kilometres long with an altitude difference of 700 metres.

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Ein Monteur installiert die INFRABOX

The INFRABOX makes mobile communication systems intelligent.

The smart little box enables digital remote reading and control of the infrastructure and facilitates maintenance.

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Three cablex employees who work flexibly for the company.

How ‘performing together’ works in Ticino

The small region in the south is particularly reliant on the flexibility of its employees.

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cablex Academy 24-9

cablex Academy.

The cablex Academy teaches specialist skills (competences) in the fields of network construction, service and installation. Here, focus is on the area of network construction for telecommunication.

Hero Smart Meter 24-9

Intelligent energy meters from smart cablex.

Smart meters make it possible to check electricity consumption remotely at any time

cablex Mitarbeiter lädt sein E-Fahrzeug

E-cars for a better environment: the sustainable strategy of cablex.

Our cablex workforce is already travelling to customer locations in a very sustainable manner with almost 1,000 electric vehicles.

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24-9 Ausbau E-Ladestation Header

cablex is expanding the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles at all locations.

cablex is expanding the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles at all its locations – a service that we also offer externally to our customers.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1

cablex AG

Tannackerstrasse 7

3073 Gümligen


0800 222 444