Regionen der Schweiz, die flächenmässig kleiner und weniger stark besiedelt sind, bearbeiten ein geringeresAuftragsvolumen – das gilt auch für das Segment Mobilfunk. Aus diesem Grund sind im Tessin weniger Mitarbeitende im Einsatz. Gleichzeitig sind alle cablex Tätigkeiten, wie Planung, Installation, Unterhalt oder Störungsbehebung in diesen Gebieten ebenso vielfältig wie in den Grossregionen. Wie kann das funktionieren?
The versatility of our employees, their willingness to put themselves at the service of the company and the team and the great flexibility they show, are the key to our success. The associated collaboration across roles and departments also has many advantages for the company, its employees and its customers.
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"Performing Together" – that's how it works in Ticino.
With a team of site managers, technicians and fitters that is fewer in number than in the other regions, the same tasks have to be fulfilled in the southern region as in the large regions: installation, troubleshooting, maintenance work. This only works if the dispatching department, the focal point for placing orders, is closely networked with the employees on site and the employees are prepared to work hand in hand.
"A site manager is ready to step in to help a technician rectify a fault. A technician supports colleagues from the assembly team in transporting materials and a fitter communicates their availability and takes on maintenance work."
Marco Bernardazzi, Dispatching
The small region in the south is particularly reliant on the flexibility of its employees. What counts here is the awareness that the goals that have been set can only be achieved together. The aim is to plan across divisions and departments and utilise resources efficiently.
In this way, cablex can fulfil its claim to providing a "one-stop shop" for all services. Our employees are satisfied because they achieve better results by working together with their colleagues. They can contribute to their working environment in a variety of ways, develop further and expand their professional contacts.
We create exceptional customer experiences through the commitment of motivated professionals, who perform their services in a customer-centred manner, and deliver high-quality results. That makes us proud.
Angela Simeone, Teamleader