"Another building site?" In future, collaborative public works projects should be used to alleviate this lack of understanding on the part of end users. The goal here is to coordinate with other companies in future and to realise the installation of pipes and cables for the provision of water, energy and telecommunications as a joint construction project. cablex represents Swisscom as the client and thus offers a completely new service.
The primary aim of coordinating with other companies is to plan construction projects more sustainably, save costs and time and reduce the impact of noise and construction sites on local residents. This opens up additional career prospects for construction managers and construction specialists. You can train to become a client representative (BHV). The training courses are organised by cablex's specialist management in the area of network construction.
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Berislav Kodrnja is the lecturer for the client representative training course. He trains construction foremen and site managers in the cantons of AG, ZH and ZG. He specialises in construction law, contract and insurance law and, of course, the regulations of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects, SIA. He trains the prospective client representatives from cablex in the correct application of SIA standards, building law and contract law.
cablex's in-house training programme includes a three-day SIA training course, legal and construction knowledge and a one-day training course on the tasks of the client representative in the operational area – i.e. in the execution of the activities.
Patrick Münger has taken on the role of project manager for cooperative public works projects at cablex. He explains: "Our aim is to ensure that Swisscom's interests are represented in a project. It is also a question of cablex carrying out more work itself rather than outsourcing it. For example, services that were previously provided by engineering firms are to be realised to a greater extent by cablex in future. This increases our order volume. Our goal is to offer "everything from a single source"
For site managers, client representation offers the opportunity for further training within the company and to expand their own area of activity and make it more interesting.