RAM - Introducing a new unit.
Above all, RAM employees carry out large-scale wiring in the exchanges and splitters in the access area. The technicians often have to keep track of hundreds of circuits at once. RAM performs platform- and technology-based copper and fibreglass wiring for networks on-site. Their day-to-day work also includes large-scale switchovers, which are necessary when cable installations are adjusted and replaced (copper and optical fibre), or if structural changes are made to buildings.
RAM’s jobs are usually bundled. In the back office, the RAM coordinator plans the jobs and the implementation on-site. Work takes place en bloc and is usually assigned days in advance. Migration projects are usually the reason behind such bundled jobs. The projects become necessary due to lifecycle and quality considerations. In this way, RAM ensures that the clients’ connection technology remains state of the art.
As professional ICT technicians, RAM employees work on a project basis. They perform switchovers at the Swisscom exchanges. In doing so, they must follow precisely defined procedures, so that false switchovers or, in the worst case, major outages don’t occur. Before a switchover job can be performed, checks must be done to ensure that all of the plans for the wiring jobs are in agreement. All of the plans have precise information about which connection belongs to which client, so that wiring can take place on-site without a hitch.
Today, the RAM and WCO teams already work closely on-site. For example, large-scale switchovers are prepared and executed together on prearranged dates. Both areas also cooperate intensively in the infrastructure area. This takes place in particular when exchanges are moved or removed. The same is true for PTP splitters or also for detached units (AVE)
With the integration of the Rollout & Migration unit in Wireline Construction, cablex is improving its end-to-end responsibility. The RAM employees contribute their experience ranging from switchovers of exchanges, continuing with the splitters, all the way to house junction boxes.
"The WCO and RAM teams have always worked side-by-side to modify network infrastructure. Their merger into one business unit will allow the work procedures to be completely harmonized."
Lionel Maurer, Team Leader CFS West at RAM
In addition, RAM (together with the WCO business unit) will also realise projects to supply the customer’s residential area with XGS-PON infrastructure. FTTS technology is being further developed with this new FTTH technology. The goal is to provide Swisscom with marketable customer locations where competitive bandwidth can be offered.