Den Smart Metern gehört die Zukunft-Hero 16-9

Smart meters are the future.

The smart meter rollout for Werke am Zürichsee AG began in March of this year: ten to twelve meter changes per day and the development of media meters for gas and water. The plan is to replace 19 000 electricity meters as well as 6000 water and 3000 gas meters. The execution is carried out by our ICT specialists. 

Martina Strazzer 1-1
Author Martina Strazzer

The Energy Strategy 2050 stipulates that by the end of 2027, at least 80 per cent of all households and businesses in the grid area of an electricity supplier must be retrofitted with intelligent electricity metering systems, known as smart meters. Our technical teams are well-versed in the field and actively support Swiss energy suppliers in retrofitting projects.
In the pilot phase for Werke am Zürichsee AG, 80 smart meters and 30 media meters were installed last year. The result was very satisfactory and therefore we were awarded the contract to carry out the complete replacement in the municipalities of Zollikon, Küsnacht and Erlenbach for Werke am Zürichsee AG.

I find cablex to be a very committed and reliable partner. We discuss all topics openly and work out the best solution together. The technicians give their all, and I appreciate this professional and appreciative cooperation very much.

Tim Kernahan, Measurement Data Acquisition Specialist, Werke am Zürichsee AG.

Smart Meter Rollout in Zurich.

Our range of tasks.

cablex can retrieve the orders very quickly and easily from software operated by Werke am Zürichsee AG and subsequently arrange appointments with the electricity customer directly. After the initial inspection of the respective property, our team of technicians will carry out meticulously detailed planning in order to minimise the time needed for the actual meter replacement later on. This includes, among other things, the letters to the owners of the properties, detailed appointment arrangements and clarification of the specific procedures of a meter change. Our tasks also include logistical coordination and operating a hotline for customer queries.

Den Smart Metern gehört die Zukunft-Installation 16-9
The cooperation with Werke am Zürichsee AG is going very well. We receive all the necessary planning basics in good time so that we can coordinate our installation work precisely. In addition, any problems can be directly addressed and resolved through the uncomplicated and collegial exchange.

Manuel Nünlist, Project Manager at cablex.

Site Acquisition Report App
Montage PV Modul

Convincing pilot projects: findings from two PV system installations.

Find out how companies can increase their autonomy and use electricity more efficiently with intelligent planning and state-of-the-art technology.

Carolin Rabea Primerova 1-1

New underwater cable secures infrastructure.

Storms and debris threaten a fibre optic cable in Lake Lugano: mud at the mouth of the river impairs its function - urgent replacement required!

Carolin Rabea Primerova 1-1
Beleuchtete Autobahn bei Nacht_24-9.jpg


Creating a future-proof infrastructure with cablex.

Kabelzug Stockhorn

Major project on the Stockhorn – pulling cable at an altitude of 2135 metres.

Pulling cable up the Stockhorn on a stretch nearly two kilometres long with an altitude difference of 700 metres.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1
Ein Monteur installiert die INFRABOX

The INFRABOX makes mobile communication systems intelligent.

The smart little box enables digital remote reading and control of the infrastructure and facilitates maintenance.

Carolin Rabea Primerova 1-1
Three cablex employees who work flexibly for the company.

How ‘performing together’ works in Ticino

The small region in the south is particularly reliant on the flexibility of its employees.

Carolin Rabea Primerova 1-1
cablex Academy 24-9

cablex Academy.

The cablex Academy teaches specialist skills (competences) in the fields of network construction, service and installation. Here, focus is on the area of network construction for telecommunication.

Hero Smart Meter 24-9

Intelligent energy meters from smart cablex.

Smart meters make it possible to check electricity consumption remotely at any time

cablex Mitarbeiter lädt sein E-Fahrzeug

E-cars for a better environment: the sustainable strategy of cablex.

Our cablex workforce is already travelling to customer locations in a very sustainable manner with almost 1,000 electric vehicles.

Martina Strazzer 1-1
24-9 Ausbau E-Ladestation Header

cablex is expanding the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles at all locations.

cablex is expanding the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles at all its locations – a service that we also offer externally to our customers.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1

cablex AG

Tannackerstrasse 7

3073 Gümligen

0800 222 444