The first inter-company course (ICC) was held again in Kallnach, Canton BE in February 2022. A total of 24 apprentices took part in ICC TEL 1 to learn all about copper technology. We visited the apprentices from French-speaking Switzerland at their ICC.
Why become a network electrician?
We asked the apprentices what is appealing to them about the job of a network electrician with a focus on telecommunications. The keywords were quickly noted down on a sheet of paper. The apprentices appreciate working outside in the fresh air and aloft. The interest in network technology and the teamwork are further reasons for the apprenticeship. But hear and see for yourself what the prospective network electricians have to say.
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Good reasons for an apprenticeship as a network electrician.
Contents of ICC TEL 1.
The topic of each ICC TEL 1 with a focus on telecommunications is the laying, installation and maintenance of communication and data cable systems based on copper cable technology.
In the course of five days, the apprentices learn which types of cable are available and what sort of finesse is needed when laying and assembling copper cables. One example here is that copper technology allows limited data transmission compared to optical fibre technology. Processing sleeves is another important part of the ICC TEL 1 curriculum. This is because cable entries are sealed with sleeves. These protect and insulate from external influences such as dirt and water.
Despite a lot of new learning material, very harmonious cooperation can be observed at the course — with a joke or two by the course leaders or the apprentices themselves.
The visit to Kallnach once again showed how much heart and soul, commitment and curiosity the students bring to their training. The ICC is not only a good training centre but also a place to exchange ideas, clarify questions and grow together.